Welcome to the Learning Center

This site provides access to programs, courses, resources, and toolkits that can help public health officials, community organizers, and the community at-large fight for policies that are centered in health equity.


Frequently asked questions

What is the Learning Center?

The Learning Center is an extension of The Center for Black Health and Equity website dedicated to delivering web-based training. Here you will be able to enroll in courses dedicated to  African American issues. We aim to help communities build the capacity to achieve health justice and equity through courses, webinars, toolkits, and other resources.

Are the course free?

Foundational and information courses are available for free. However, from time to time there will be private courses for specific audiences that may require payment.

Who can take these courses?

Any course marked "Free" is open to the public. You will be asked for a valid email address to enroll.

Do you offer continuing education credits?

Please contact us to discuss possible continuing education credits.

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